Article :How to be a Millionaire#2

| Wednesday 1 December 2010

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3.) Building a business takes time, and building a million dollar business doesn't come overnight. So in essence what happens is people give up. Instead of standing strong and weathering the storm, many people simple give up too soon. Being patient and accepting that just because your car wasn't out of the gate first, doesn't mean that you can't win the race. Plain and simple empires aren't built in a day. Running a business and more specifically a network marketing business is no lottery ticket to Donald Trump status.

What steps do you take if you want to be a millionaire? This is a impression of something that plagues most people, and most don't even know it. We all have the capacity to do and achieve great things. However remaining focused and keeping your eyes on the big prize is completely a different matter. You have to be willing to roll your sleeves up and get it done at all cost. If you put aside all frivolous activities which do no more than eat up your time, as opposed to concentrating on activities that will create wealth. Here is a saying/message that I'd like to convey:

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog!"

There clearly are no guarantees in life, however the millionaire mindset is real and this I promise you, you have the power. But what I can guarantee, that if your life is on a downhill spiral, conforming to the masses like sheep, nothing will ever change! Millionaire's carry themselves in a certain manner, they have a certain confidence about them. It is already within you to be great and succeed, changing your mindset to believe that you can is the only way to make it happen though.

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by john Reynolds


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