Businnes in:Savvy Business People Look at this

| Wednesday 1 December 2010

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I want to tell you about the new Buzz word that every one is talking about and if they aren't now they soon will be.
There is a new business concept and it has to be the best business model I have ever seen and not just me. I am talking I have met people who have been in Finance, real estate, banking, accounting in fact all walks of life. Now you have to think "these people are not idiots" so why are they jumping into this new venture???
They can see the potential of what it will be now incase you dont know what this new business venture is let me tell you a bit about it.
Firstly what does it offer?
Lets start with what is in it for our customers? Value and convenience, let me explain what i mean. Our customers have the chance to buy top branded items and reduced prices, reduced  sometimes can be an understatment. I mean i have seen items being sold at 90% sometimes 98% off. I Know you are probably wondering are they really saving that much?? Well let me tell you from personal experience I myself have pruchased $1200 worth of Platinum and I only paid $33.40 I believe my savings was 97%.
This is not the only saving I have had either just recently bought some beautiful Swarovski pens priced in the shop at $89.00 I bought it for $33.00.
Also there is a guarantee that you will not find any product on the site cheaper anywhere else.
Ok so by now you can honestly say "yeah I see the value" lets now talk about convenience my items have been delivered with in a week. Now I have bought things over the net before and so do many members of my family normally the case is that we have forgotten wehave made the purchase by the time we get it. not only is it conveneint to get you products sent to your door but we have now also launched the start of our entertainment platform.
What does this mean?
You can listen to music of your choice while you shop or surf the web. You will also be able to play it through your smart/iphones.
Ok have I convinced you that for a customer we offer great value???
Now down to business....If you join the business you get paid on the transactions that take place on your site...if your customer buys credits to bid...you get paid. If your customer goes shopping in the shopping mall.....you get paid. If your customer buys the subscription to the music....you get paid. Of course if you share the business idea with someone else......you get paid.
 The best business model I have ever seen because it is not fully based on you recruiting people because as you saw the money comes in from your customers whether you share the business with anyone else or not.....you get paid.
This is called earning residual income earning money online when you are doing other things.
Its also not dependant on you commiting to an auto ship of products or pills you dont ever have to buy a thing. You will because like me see something you like at a good price you buy but you dont have to.
Another reason this is the best business opportunity out there is you do not have to pay for education it is provided free of charge 24/7.
If you want to know more Click Here
 Yes there are people out there saying dubli is a scam, but do they really know what they are talking about??? Do they have an authority to say what they say???
I have met the founder Micheal Hansen and he is the kind or man you can look up to and be glad to be associated with. This business is legit and I challenge anyone who dares to otherwise and I feel for those of you who can be detered from financial freedom based on the negative opinions of people who are negative about everything.
UBS Bank have been noted to say "Dubli is re-writing history" and "Dubli will be on of the top 5 website within the next 3 years" People from Wall Street say " Dubli is the best business model they have seen"  Do you think these people have authority to say these things???
Here is one more thing to think about....go to the site go on...Dubli.com and just look at the brands that are associated with Dubli. Do you really think these BRANDS want there name associated with a scam??? we are talking Chanel, Bvlgary, burberry, and there is more check it out for yourself.

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by Tina Middleton


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