Management Article : Facebook For Business, Can it Work?

| Thursday 9 December 2010

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by: Emily Leach
Making Facebook work for business can be a tricky situation for some, and others find it to be a blessing. The quick answer is yes, it can absolutely work for business!

The bottom line is finding the following you want and then creating a relationship with them online they trust. The trust not only results in more business directly from your immediate audience, but that audience will now share out your information with their audience … and now it's viral baby.

And for all the stuff in between starting and going viral, it's time consuming. Start with your real friends and your existing customer base; every time you meet a new contact make an effort to connect with them on Facebook. The latter half of that last tip is the most important part of the scenario, because that group of people have had a conversation with you and possibly even your product or service.

Why connect with personal friends?

Two reasons, first off it helps create a base of friends so you don't look like you just set up camp last week (even though may very well have). Make sure you spend a few days updating your status frequently at first especially so that the automatic updates of when you started gets pushed to archive.

The second reason relates to one the primary success of Facebook, or social networking in general, and that is to get to know people we do business with in this cyber world. By having personal friends it is easier to post updates in a friendly and personal manner sometimes. And your friends will enjoy your more business oriented posts as well. But just remember that the 'friends' that you met at a networking event want to get to know you, personally!

Now for a few notes on how to maintain your Facebook page without losing all you're new friends. I would suggest spending about 30 minutes a day updating and responding to others updates, per day. Split that in to 3 different sessions of 10 minutes; keep it from becoming a chore. Remember this is fun!

Once you get more proficient at using your Facebook page, start to upload a few personal images (not too personal of course) and begin to interact with some of the 'notes' request from others. I ignore all the games and most of the quizzes (although some of these are just a hoot).

Most importantly, do not harass or inundate your friends (both personal and business) with a dozen offers every day. Pick one or two business related topics of the day and post them. Would you want to be constantly sold to on your page? Then just use common courtesy here.

A great idea for business related updates are to find news about your industry and share the link. This way you are providing valuable information without directly pushing your products or services every time you update.

I love Facebook for helping me promote my business, and for helping get in contact with some old childhood friends. They ask me questions about what I do now and that gives me the opportunity to go in to detail for everyone to see … keep an open mind in this arena.

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