Tips : Advice On Careers In Sport And Leisure

| Monday 6 December 2010
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Ever thought about working in sport and active leisure? There are over 200 different job roles to choose from in these industries....

Roles include anything from referee or umpire, personal trainer, gym receptionist, children's play scheme coordinator and after school play assistant; to outdoor activity leader, caravan park manager, lifeguard and volunteer sports club coordinator.

Sector Profile

The sport and active leisure sector, which includes the sport and recreation, health and fitness, playwork, the outdoors and caravan industries, is a growing and vitally important part of the UK economy. It is amazingly diverse in the range of activities, organisations and jobs available, and is a fantastic sector in which to pursue a career. Its one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK, and with sport and fitness playing an increasingly crucial role within society it's no surprise.

However, before embarking on a career in the sector it is important to understand the day to day realities of such roles. For example, in many employment areas incorporated in the sector, the majority of the general public pursue their leisure activities in the evenings and at weekends. Therefore some jobs are likely to involve working un-sociable hours, in customer focused environments and possibly on a shift basis.

Furthermore, pay levels are often at a lower level than counterparts working in other sectors. Sport and active leisure is a very popular sector to work in, with over 26% of young people (16-25) listing it as the place where they'd like to pursue a full time career.

The sector is a diverse industry to be involved in offering a variety of different career pathways. There are many opportunities to progress in the sector, for example from working in a leisure centre at an operational level to becoming a junior manager, continually developing your career and level of experience along the way. There are also numerous qualifications within the industry that provide steps to enable career progression through continuous professional development (CPD).

Sector Issue

Currently there are around 634,000 people working across sport and active leisure. Research shows that employment in the sector has soared since 1999 – growing at three times the rate of the UK economy as a whole. And with around 8.5 million adults regularly take part in sport and fitness its not surprising that sector employment is growing.

There are over 36,000 organisations operating within the sector, and despite its growth in employment, 20% of all employers find it difficult to recruit people with the right skills. Only 5% of employers think that new recruits have the right kind of skills for their business. Communication, IT, customer service and management and leadership skills are cited by sector employers as key when it comes to recruitment and yet they have to turn people down or re-train the successful ones in this area.

Continuous Development Is Key

So what's important? Working within sport or fitness is rapidly becoming one in the same. Increasingly, leisure centres are offering a variety of activities that need qualified coaches to lead them. These 'multi-activity' centres still offer a gym environment, however as the consumer becomes more health educated and fitness 'savvy' the demand for advice goes beyond working with the equipment or devising an exercise programme.

With this in mind, if you are looking to start a career in the sport and fitness sector you will need a 'qualifications check'; as the industry becomes more professional, employers want highly skilled and trained recruits. The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) has been set up to aid the professionalisation of the sector. Adopted as industry currency, it helps to safeguard and promote the health and interests of people who are using the services of exercise and fitness instructors, teachers and trainers.

The Register creates a framework within which individual instructors can achieve the highest standards of professionalism, linked to best practice in the exercise and fitness industry. Registration is achieved and maintained through the gaining of qualifications and training which are nationally recognised and which are linked to the national occupational standards for exercise and fitness.

The Register exists because it is the only way to independently demonstrate that fitness professionals are competent and qualified to do their job. The Register is a central feature of the professionalism of the industry that is essential to giving customers, users, the public and partners in the medical professions, the necessary level of confidence in the quality of services provided by fitness professionals.

Career Advice
So where to next? SkillsActive has worked with employers, training providers and key partners in the sector to develop the highest quality information, encouraging individuals to enter and progress through a career in one of the most vibrant, exciting and rewarding sectors in the UK, all delivered through SkillsActiveCareers.

SkillsActiveCareers is the number one contact for information and advice on working in the sport and active leisure sector. SkillsActiveCareers offers clear and comprehensive advice to all those wanting to enter and progress through a career in sport and recreation, health and fitness, playwork, the outdoors and caravan industries.

After reviewing all the career information and guidance that is currently available for the active leisure and learning sector, SkillsActiveCareers has established itself as a one-stop-shop for all careers information and advice in the sector, and is the signposting organisation for all relevant jobs, qualifications, pathways, courses and key partner contact information.

So what's stopping you? The role and contribution of the sport and active leisure sector is huge. It makes a massive contribution to society as a whole, a healthier nation, the reduction in crime linked to social inclusion, not to mention the children's workforce and the impact it has from the cradle to the grave.

There has never been a better time to work in the sector. In just four short years, the biggest sporting competition in the world is coming to London. The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is a huge opportunity for the sector, not only in the lead up and during the Games, but in delivering the legacy. Billions are currently being invested in facilities, we need to ensure we have the right people running them, encouraging the public to take physical activity seriously and encouraging them back time and time again.

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